La mia cara cara cara amica Silvia nella sua mail è stata molto non lo farò MAI!
"Ecco sì siamo arrivati, che sbattimento, sono a pezzi, mo' mi ci vuole un settimana per riprendermi...ovviamente a Victor l'aereo fa meglio di un lassativo, ha cagato tutto quello che non ha fatto nei primi 2 mesi di vita...Yuppy!!! .... Tutte le volte penso alle tipe strafighe che fotografano camminando uscendo dall'aeroporto dopo un viaggio intercontinentale con i bimbi in braccio (tipo l'Angelina Jolie per capirci), tutte perfette (sicuramente viaggiano in prima classe...però!!).
"Ecco sì siamo arrivati, che sbattimento, sono a pezzi, mo' mi ci vuole un settimana per riprendermi...ovviamente a Victor l'aereo fa meglio di un lassativo, ha cagato tutto quello che non ha fatto nei primi 2 mesi di vita...Yuppy!!! .... Tutte le volte penso alle tipe strafighe che fotografano camminando uscendo dall'aeroporto dopo un viaggio intercontinentale con i bimbi in braccio (tipo l'Angelina Jolie per capirci), tutte perfette (sicuramente viaggiano in prima classe...però!!).
Io non ho fatto in tempo ad arrivare in aeroporto che avevo già tutto il vestito pieno di succo di frutta, sorvolando il Paraguay la mia bella strollata di vomito, sul Brasile mi ha pisciato addosso, sull'oceano è stata l'apoteosi della cacca all night long e poi i capelli elettrici...vabbè vado a fare queste mille lavatrici!"
Ma la mia amica Cippi da buona donna di mondo, australiana, super organizzata e precisa, ci ha girato il Baby Travel Tips. Forse avrebbe dovuto farglielo leggere prima!
● Use a baby travel packing list, and one for carry-ons as well. Forgetting things you need is no fun!
● Dress baby in clothes with built-in feet. You’re ensured of warm toes and no worry of a lost baby shoe or socks. Or two.
● Separate all of baby’s things throughout your luggage. If a bag gets lost, it’s not THAT one.
● Book flights for when you think baby will be sleepy. If sleep isn’t likely, aim for the most cheerful time of day.
● You can never have too many wipes. You can never have too many wipes.
● A stroller is not just a stroller. It’s also a high chair, a bed, and in a pinch, a luggage cart. Also, a baby jail.
● Bring along one diaper per hour of your travel day. You don’t want to risk running out!
● By sticking to public transportation, you’re free from the bringing the car seat dilemma plus you’re being good to the environment!
● Visit local parenting websites before your trip for information on parks, family-friendly restaurants, etc. These sites often also have coupons or discount codes you can take advantage of . Try Googling “your destination + parents”
● See if your destination requires any vaccinations or medications. Some may not be suitable for infants or toddlers.
● Even if you plan on buying supplies when you arrive, have enough on hand so you’re not rushing out the minute you arrive.
●Be sure baby is eating or drinking during take-off and landing to ease pressure on the ears – swallowing is what you want to be happening. A pacifier also works if your baby takes one.
●Renting equipment at your destination may be easier, but check your airline baggage fees to see if it’s cost effective.
●To pre-board or not? If your airline still offers this try having one of you pre-board and get organized while your partner tires out the kids until the last minute.
●Get wristbands with your information and/or cel phone number on them when visiting crowded places. Mabel’s Labels 411 Wristbands are good ones.
●Keep baby’s food and toiletries together in your carry-on. It’s much easier to stay organized when going through security.
●Try dressing yourself and baby in patterned clothes. Patterns tend to not show spots and spills as much.
●The most important thing to pack when traveling with babies and little kids is your patience.
●Don’t overschedule your days. A looser itinerary means no one will be disappointed.
●Scan your passports and travel documents and email them to yourself. You can now access them anywhere with Internet access.
●Count your bags and carry-ons and remember the number. Don’t ask me why I’m suggesting this
●Don't bother with pre-made formula. They make you open them at security and then they're ruined.
● Bring a bag of sterile bottles so you don't have to sterilize anything en route.
● Bring a few blankets since the aircon on board is pretty cold. You'll also need blankets to pad the base of the cot, since they're hard as a rock. Also ask for extra blankets, but keep in mind they're the usual synthetic crap.
●Dettol wipes. Wipe down the WHOLE cubicle before you start. You might be thrown against something unpleasant during turbulence.
●Have enough nappies, but also enough disposable changing mats. Airplane toilets are grose.
●Have TWO bottles ready for take-off and TWO bottles for landing. You might be taxiing/circling for a really long time and babies generally hate the seatbelt. If you're in the bassinet row, then you have to put all your bags in the overheads, so you won't be able to get to them.
●Call the airline to reserve your seats in the bassinet row. They're not available to reserve online.
●You can wheel your pram right to the door of the plane, then they take it away and put it in the hold while you carry baby on board. We had a travel cover for the Bugaboo, but it's redundant since the airline provides a plastic bag, same as they do for big hiking bags.
When out and about, you just have to be organized and plan ahead. Where will you do your next nappy change? How long 'til she needs her next feed?
Per forza la mia amica deve essere suo viaggio SYDNEY- ITALY dura 24 ore. E nessuno di noi ha un aereo privato... come l'Angelina Jolie e un marito come Brad Pitt.
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